Test Comments

I obtained INTP and I rated my result 2/5.
06/26/24 06:03
I obtained ISTJ and I rated my result 5/5.
I'm always either an ISTJ or ISTP
06/21/24 05:55
I obtained ESTJ and I rated my result 4/5.
I have changed over the years.
06/12/24 03:46
I obtained ESTJ and I rated my result 3/5.
A strategy and thinking is like me but the feeling part is not
06/10/24 19:50
I obtained ISFP and I rated my result 5/5.
I see myself in it.
06/10/24 16:33
I obtained ISTJ and I rated my result 4/5.
I like to focus on logic. I like to do individual assignments alone. If assigned I would prefer 1on1 versus a group of people.
06/08/24 05:21
I obtained INTP and I rated my result 2/5.
I think I’m more INFP
05/16/24 07:13
I obtained ENTP and I rated my result 5/5.
You are the third Meyers Briggs test and they have all rated me as either an ENTP or ENFP. The Thinking/Feeling score has always been nearly 50/50. Good job with the questionnaire
05/15/24 19:01
I obtained ESFP and I rated my result 4/5.
Good to know about self
05/13/24 17:12
I obtained ISFJ and I rated my result 4/5.
Pretty close
05/08/24 18:10
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