The inventor, the innovator, the visionary, the researcher

Cognitive functions

Dominant function : Extroverted Intuition
Auxiliary function : Introverted Thinking
Tertiary function : Extroverted Feeling
Lower function : Introverted Sensing

Examples of ENTP characters

Elsie Hughes (Westworld)
Tyrion Lannister (GOT)
The Joker

Their assets

ENTP’s constantly scan their environment in search of opportunities and possibilities. They see the broad outlines and even sometimes links which are not obvious to others and they seem to be projected in the future. They are gifted to produce ideas that they analyze in a strategic way.
ENTP’s can understand the way in which the systems function. They are undertaking and full of resources in their manner of conforming to them in order to achieve their goals.


ENTP’s are enthusiastic innovators. Their world is full of possibilities, interesting concepts and stimulating challenges. They are galvanized by the difficulties to which they quickly find creative solutions to, plunging themselves in the action and trusting their capacity of improvisation. They primarily use their intuition in the external world and like to show ingeniousness in their existence.
ENTP’s tend to be creative, imaginative, brilliant, theoretical, conceptual and curious.
ENTP’s primarily use their Thinking in the interior world, to analyze situations and ideas, to plan. They admire competence, intelligence, precision and effectiveness.
ENTP’s are generally analytical, logical, rational, objective, sure of themselves and gifted when it comes to reassessment.
ENTP’s are undertaking, full of resources, active and energetic. They face the difficult problems by producing complex overall solutions. They generally have the talent “to read” others, noticing what justifies them and adopting the role of chief. They are practically able to do everything that interests them.

How the others can perceive them

ENTP’s are spontaneous and adaptable. They find traditional procedures as well as planning stifling and circumvent them as much as they can. They have a remarkable intuition regarding others and their enthusiasm and energy can mobilize and convince people.
Their style of conversation is generally provocative and stimulating because they adore ideological debates. They are eloquent people, mentally nimble who like themselves in the verbal sparring matches. When they express their principles of subjacent Thinking, their intense and abrupt way of speaking can seem to challenge others.
ENTP’s are generally perceived as independent, autonomous, creative, dynamic, enthusiastic, energetic, sure of themselves and straightforward.

Development areas potential

If ENTP’s can’t find a way of using their talents and of being appreciated for their contribution, they generally feel frustrated and can:
- Become impertinent, impolite and snappish.
- Criticize others, in particular those who seem to them ineffective and inefficient
- Become rebellious and combative
- Disperse themselves, and be unable to concentrate
It is possible that ENTP’s pay less attention to the functions they dislike the most, Sensing and Feeling. However, if they neglect these aspects too much, it may happen that they :
- Do not take account of the details and necessary work to put their intuitions into practice
- Do not see the impact of their ideas and their plans on others
- Have a way of challenging others and stimulating them which is at the same time excessive and inappropriate
In particularly stressing moments, ENTP’s can let details go ahead of themselves and lose their capacity to imagine new possibilities. They then concentrate on a minor or twisted detail by regarding it as being of major importance.

To learn more about the depths of your person: the Enneagram

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