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Personality Test

A type of Isabel Myers and Katharine Briggs' theory is formed starting from 4 couples of two preferences being opposed (Extraversion-Introversion, Sensation-Intuition, Thinking-Feeling, Perception-Judgement) resulting in the combination of 4 letters indicating the preferences which you use the most. We all have these 8 preferences, but we use them at various degrees. Our type is composed of the ones with use the most.

Each type expresses a unique way in which the 8 preferences interact between them.

Average Satisfaction of Visitors: ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ (4.29/5 of 18374 reviews)
You will be able to rate your result at the end of the test.

The last comments

I obtained ESTJ and I rated my result 5/5.
Very good tool and thank you for making it free. I have taken the Myers-Briggs before professional proctored and want to introduce my college students to it. I'm thankful your assessment is accurate and free for my students.
01/16/25 19:02
I obtained ENFJ and I rated my result 4/5.
Am in a personal development phase and finding more about how I really am and what I honestly think.
01/13/25 08:46
I obtained ENFP and I rated my result 5/5.
01/05/25 22:05
I obtained INTP and I rated my result 4/5.
I've been checking my MBTI type for 30+ years. this is a good one!
01/05/25 17:14
I obtained ISTJ and I rated my result 5/5.
I'm surprised how well the results match me, save for the explanation about how ISTJ's react when put in very stressing situations, since I'm usually the only calm and collected one even then.
01/03/25 17:29

For each pair of proposals, check a circle that approximates the proposal that best fits you according to the degree of preference. Checking to the left maximum means that you find yourself much more on the first proposal than on the second. Checking to the right maximum means that you find yourself much more on the second proposal than on the first one.

Social interaction tires me.
Social interaction entertains me.
I prefer going out alone.
I prefer going out in group.
I sometimes happen to act before thinking.
I sometimes spend longer thinking than acting promptly.
I prefer activities that make me move.
I prefer activities that make me think.
I prefer communicating verbally.
I prefer communicating through writing.
I prefer meeting new people.
I prefer to deepen my relationships.
I prefer having a group discussion.
I prefer having a one-to-one conversation.
I prefer spending the evening with groups of people.
I prefer spending the evening with a close relative.
I am often seen as a thoughtful and reserved person.
I am often seen as a dynamic and open person.
I prefer working in groups with several persons.
I prefer working alone or with one person.
I prefer to give priority to the facts.
I prefer to give priority to the ideas.
I am a realistic person, I envision reality the way it is.
I concentrate on what could be.
I remember the majority of the details that I have observed.
I remember details when they have a link with the overall pattern.
I prefer relying on my experience.
I prefer relying on my inspiration.
I prefer concentrating on the present moment and what's going on.
I prefer thinking about what could happen.
It's not difficult for me to believe in esoteric stories (eg supernatural stories).
It might not be easy for me to believe in these stories if I have not personally experienced them.
I prefer using reliable and demonstrated methods.
I prefer testing new methods.
I prefer to consider in detail all aspects of a subject.
I prefer to consider the aspects of a subject globally.
I prefer discussing about concrete and existing topics.
I prefer discussing about abstract topics and theories.
I solve problems by relying on my past experience and what already worked out.
I solve problems by counting on my imagination.

I prefer being diplomat and tactful.
I prefer to be honest and direct.

I prefer helping others making logical decisions.
I prefer helping others expressing their feelings.

I prefer to attend situations or discussions where there is emotion.
I prefer to use my ability to analyze situations.

I prefer counting on verifiable elements to take decisions.
I prefer using my convictions and how I feel to take decisions.

I prefer to draw conclusions based on logic and careful analysis.
I prefer to draw conclusions based on what I feel and what I know about life.

I try to please others.
I am naturally critical.

I prefer to be warm and friendly.
I prefer to be loyal and fair.

When there is a problem, I wonder if it’s real.
When there is a problem, I wonder if it’s truly important.

I solve my problems with logic.
I assess the impact of my decisions on others.

I decide by analyzing the causes and effects based on objective criteria of truth ("It's true" or "It's false").
I decide with my personal values ("It's good" or "It's bad") and my feelings ("I like" or "I don't like")
I prefer to take the time to consider all the possible elements of a subject before and after making my decision.
I prefer to get all the information I need on a topic, think about it for a while then make a quick and definitive decision.
I prefer constancy in order to prevent what will come next.
I prefer change in order to keep all options open.
I prefer things to be rather organized.
I prefer things to happen on their own.
I prefer my ability to adapt.
I prefer my ability to be methodical and organized.
I like to plan my life and master it.
I'm looking for understanding rather than mastering.
I trust my planning power more than my power of improvisation.
I trust my power of improvisation more than my planning power.
I prefer to control my environment.
I prefer to adapt to my environment.
I prefer to look for information.
I prefer to make decisions.
I tend to keep looking and reconsidering information even if things have already been fixed.
I do not tend to go back on what I decided, I switched to the next step.
I prefer committing myself if the others also commit themselves.
I prefer to put pressure for specific commitments to be made.

The nickname you enter will appear in the title of your result and next to your comment if you leave a notice thereafter.

The other information is only used for statistical purposes between the different psychological types.